Monday, October 21, 2019


Located in Group 18 and Period 3 of the Periodic Table, is the gas used in lightbulbs (To not let the lightbulb burn since it is fire ).

First discovered in 1894 by John William Strutt and isolated also in 1894 by Sir William Ramsay. Sir William isolated Argon using fractional distillation of liquid air. He let liquid slowly to warm up and eventually evaporates. And finally after fractional distillation, Argon was isolated.
Fractional Distillation

Actually, Argon was actually discovered 200 years ago by Henry Cavendish. The existence of Argon has been predicted by him when he isolated oxygen and nitrogen from air. Eventually, he found a tiny bit of amount og an unknown gas and he believed to be a new element. However, he never knew what the element is.

Argon is the third most prevalent gas in the earth atmosphere. Argon is found in 9300 parts per million and has made up 1.28% of the Earth's Atmosphere.

Besides, Argon was also the first noble gas to be isolated.

Atomic Number : 18
Name : Argon
Latin Name : Argon
Electrons per shell : [ 2, 8, 8 ]
Discoverer : John William Strutt ( 1894 )
Isolator : Sir William Ramsay ( 1894 )
Element's : Atomic Mass : 39.948 u
                  : Density : 1.784g/ℓ
                  : Type : Noble Gas
Chemical Properties : 

Argon - 40, Argon's naturally occurring isotope
  • Argon doesn't react to any of the elements. So, it is called completely inert.
  • 27 different isotopes for Argon : 3 of them are :
                       Argon - 36 : Protons : 18
                                         : Electrons : 18
                                         : Neutrons : 18
    ( Half Life : Stable )
                       Argon - 38 : Protons : 18
                                         : Electrons : 18
                                         : Neutrons : 20
    ( Half Life : Stable )

                       Argon - 40 : Protons : 18
                                         : Electrons : 18
                                         : Neutrons : 22
    ( Half Life : Stable )
Physical Properties : 
  • colourless
  • odorless
  • tasteless
  • Melting Point : - 189.3 degrees Celsius ( -308.7 degrees Celsius )
  • Boiling Point : - 185.86 degrees Celsius ( - 302.55 degrees Celsius ) 

How does Argon gets its name?
Argon got its name from the greek word ' ἀργόν ', which is pronounced as Argon. It means lazy or inactive. It got its name because it is completely inert to any of the elements.

Argon is used as a gas in the lightbulb as if Argon is replaced as Oxygen, the fire inside the bulb will burn up because of the combustion triangle. Now, Argon replaced Oxygen and there is no more accidents involving lightbulbs anymore.
One of the Argon Lightbulbs

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